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I was born and raised in regional Queensland. I attended a modest country town state primary school and high school. I'm the middle child to country bumpkin parents, with an older brother and younger sister. I lived on farmland until I was 17 and old enough to leave home.


I moved to Brisbane to attend university. Having received a national scholarship awarded to four people annually in recognition of academic, sporting, and cultural excellence, I was completely self-funded from the day I left my childhood home. I achieved honours degrees in engineering (bachelors) and applied finance (masters).


I have studied in France, interned in Canada, and worked in London. I've been a student practitioner in orthotics and prosthetics, a perfusionist in cardiac surgery, a German bonds futures trader, and an energy risk analyst and commercial procurement manager. For the past 17 years I have founded and grown my own energy management businesses, which collectively manage in excess of $1 billion in energy contracts.


I knew I was attracted to females early. I knew I was gay by 25. I came out when I was 29.


​I am a mother to three boys, including twins. My ex-wife is a Danish woman whom I met whilst she was backpacking in Brisbane. We were engaged after two months and married for ten of our twelve years together. We remain close and proudly co-parent our gents cohesively.


I am a strong advocate for mental health, stemming from my ex-wife's ongoing anxiety and depression, and more recently following my own experiences following a relationship that challenged the very essence of who I am and what I stand for. I also have close friends and family who battle anxiety and depression.


I've played multiple sports and have been involved in track, cross country, soccer, and touch football at state and national levels. Most recently returning to touch football after a 20+ year hiatus, to be named in the Queensland Women's 40s team. 


​At 45 I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Multiple Myeloma. I live with the physical impacts, treatment challenges, and everything else this currently incurable blood cancer entails.


Most notably, those that know me say I'm the most genuine human you'll ever meet. An open book printed only in black and white. 


Regardless of my INTP personality, I would love to hear from you.


Authentic. Unique. Honest. Selfless. Caring. Driven.

I live with Multiple Myeloma.

I am a mother, proud LGBT+ community member, entrepreneur, CEO, mentor, motivational speaker, athlete, amateur artist, and textbook INTP.

Living with
incurable cancer

What does it mean?

My cancer does not define me.

It does however define how I get to, and choose to, live my life.


They say that myeloma warriors do not reach remission, but rather receive an intermission. A break between lines of treatment. Sometimes weeks, often months, and increasingly years without cancer markers or side effects that demand medical intervention.


Living with myeloma means that there are some things I should not or can not do anymore. Lifestyle tweaks to accommodate and address treatment, health concerns, and / or symptoms.


It means living with the dread of when the cancer will start winning the battle against each line of treatment, and eventually, all available treatments.


Mostly however, living with Myeloma means living with purpose. A constant reminder of all the things you should and can do every single day to make the most of this one precious life. To create memories and to build a legacy that survives you for generations to come. â€‹â€‹

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